Thursday, September 14, 2017

Motivate Me

This is Motivated Me this morning while at the same time I want to temper my enthusiasm with consideration  for my family and friends in Texas and Florida.  I have awaken a many a day angry and hateful and I can tell you that is no fun.  It does nothing but drive people away all the while you thinking you all tough and bad.  There was a time for that but that time is no more. Today I am encouraged to look for 3 things which I am grateful for, 3 things I am looking forward to, and 3 things I am going to do today which will make my life even better.  I know that sounds like a formula and some people don't like formulas, and I am one of them.  But sometimes maybe we should brainwash ourselves into believing life is better than it is.  Not in a phony sense like denying what's wrong with the world because there is always going to be something wrong with the world because people, certain types of people who are waking up right now along with you with larceny in their heart, but you aren't one of them.  Life is good because their are good people in the world and you are one of them.  Call someone to mind that brings a smile to your face.  I see plenty of babies and grand babies on Facebook so there are a lot of smiling  faces to bring to mind.  Throughout your day...move! When you move your body from forehead to toes as if you were happy, it's impossible to not be happy. Try it. Remember, you get more of what you focus on and this effect amplifies over time.  What do you want more of? What do you want to be better at? This is your life and you are in charge.