Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Memorable scenes:Shawshank Redemption morgan freeman-red is free from pr...

December 20, 1977

As Exhilarating as yesterday's surprising news was, it is as equally frightening.  I have been released before on a number of occasions.  17  1/2  years have been spent in over a dozen institutions throughout my young 33 years and never have I made it.  As Red is oft quoted, I'm an institution man now. For the past 6 1/2 years I have been told when to wake up, when to go to sleep, when to eat, what to wear.  Everything has been provided for me.  And if I wavered from the rules there was solitary confinement to remind me just who  is in charge of my life.  And NOW, now I will be  a free man with every decision now mine. 

I don't know, on this date, when actually I will be released.  The whole preparing for release can be overwhelming to say the least.  I don't have a job nor place to stay, though for the first month or so I will be staying at a halfway house.  A decompressing chamber if you will to allow me to secure those sorts of things.  The halfway house can be a danger itself, you are still in prison just without the walls to surround you.  One false step, fail to make the 4 O'clock check in, be in by 10:00 pm, come in drunk, are only a few of the things that can get you sent right back inside and your parole revoked.  For the moment I can only think on how I am going to make it.

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