Are Your Inner Demons Sabotaging Your Dreams? It’s Time to Fight Back… with this “Secret Weapon” You Will Crush Your Inner Demons, Build Bulletproof Habits, Transform Your Life and Win My Money.
Dear Transformation Seeker,
Every day, there is a knock-down drag-em-out, take no prisoners brawl happening inside of you.
Two forces battle for control over your thoughts, your actions and ultimately, your
entire life.
Everything you want to achieve in LIFE hinges on this battle.
You see, the battle is between good and evil, light and
dark, good and bad, progress and regression, and even angels versus
demons. That's right, everything you want to achieve in life depends on
your inner angle defeating your inner demons.
To win this battle you need to pay close attention
because you're about to discover a powerful lesson that will make
transforming your life simple, easy, and fun.
I have no doubt that this short letter will change your life
Let me explain -
We've all watched those Bugs Bunny cartoons where a
little Angel pops up on one shoulder of Sylvester the Cat. And then
poof, up pops a devil on the other side. And then bam, the devil knocks
out the angel and Sylvester goes after Tweety Bird again.
Well, you have that same "Inner Demon" versus "Angel" battle going on inside of you everyday.
Don't get me wrong - I'm not talking about morality here,
I'm talking about effectiveness. Not good or evil but good habits and
bad habits.
The Inner Demon in your life is that voice that says...
- Hit the snooze button again, you've earned it.
- Go on, have that piece of cake, we'll start eating better tomorrow.
- Just one more drink won't hurt. You'll be fine tomorrow.
- Ah c'mon, take your shoes off and relax. Who wants to go to the gym at this time of day?
- One more cigarette and then we'll quit. After all, it's been a stressful day.
- Put the book down and turn on the TV. Just 10 minutes. You deserve it.
Sound familiar?
Pesky little fellow, that Inner Demon.
You see, your "demon" is your bad habits. And because
they're so much fun - at first, your demon gets fed all the time. Thus,
it's grown up big, strong and mean.
When it comes to getting what you want out of life, your
Inner Demon will ruin you. He'll keep you running and running, chasing
quick pleasures and empty meaning.
In fact, if you only listen to your demon, you won't live
a good life. Why not? Because your demon doesn't plan for the future,
doesn't set goals and (most importantly) doesn't think.
It tells you to eat, sleep and take advantage of all hedonistic pleasures that life offers. Nothing else matters...
I hope you're starting to get the idea why your demon is a
terrible master. If you let your Inner Demon win - you'll never
If your Inner Demon makes the decision, don't be afraid.
You're not alone. It's also not your fault. Millions of people lose this
battle several times a day. Because this Demon's strength is fed by
many subtle evildoers.
Large corporations add
ingredients to make a few extra bucks. Your college buddies want you to
live the old days. Billions of dollars are spent every day to shove
advertisements you haven't asked to see down your throat.
Each has unrealistic models, clever humor and overstated
promises. It's all to distract you. Feed your Inner Demon with more
power. Turn these decision-making moments into subtle, unconscious
This way you get a clever tune in your head rather than thinking about the health facts when hitting up the drive thru.
This way you start your evening with the "news" and before you know it, bedtime hits.
This gives you the green light to hide behind the mask of
your army of Facebook "friends" rather than developing and nurturing
long-term relationships.
Those who push these on you know a solution exists. That's why they have the spend billions.
Because the solution is available. Many times it may be obvious. Your Angel tells
Your "angel" is drowned out by the noise.
Speaking of...let's take a moment to contrast this beast with the "angel" on your shoulder.
The puny twerp inside your head has a magic and power of
his own. But like a glass-jawed boxer, he crumbles under even the
slightest pressure.
You see... your angel part designs spaceships, builds
sky-scrapers, creates beautiful art and discovers elegant theorems that
explain nature. It's the part of us that is
disciplined, focused and determined to improve ourselves.
It's the best of you.
Your angel part says - "I'll eat an apple instead of a
donut." And "I'm going to the gym today." And "I'm going to turn off
my internet and focus on solving this big problem at work."
In short, it's the stuff that gets things done. It's the attitude we all
want to have. And it's what makes us different from animals.
Here's the catch...
...compared to the demon, our angel is timid and weak.
And it gets worse...
...they're always fighting. That's what I meant when I
told you a moment ago that there is a hidden conflict happening inside
every single day of your life.
There is no way to escape it.
And every day - there is a winner and a loser.
Let me ask you a simple question. Take a moment and answer it honestly.
Who Won the Battle for Your Mind Yesterday?
I bet your demon won.
Because he's a killer. He's bigger, stronger, faster and meaner.
And it's tragic. Because every day your demon wins, you
have wasted a day you could have spent pursuing your dreams. Every day
the demon wins you squandered a day that could get your closer to your
goals. Every day the demon wins it's another day you didn't give your
unique gift to the world...
...and every day the demon wins is another day that
you'll never get back.
Your demon lets you get away with taking the easy and
convenient path. It wants you to meander thoughtlessly through life.
But a good life and a lasting transformation require
thoughtful and intentional action. And that's precisely what your demon despises.
The demon on your shoulder whispers sweet poison in your ear all the time.
And you can't kill him. He's much too tough for that.
But you can lock him up and throw away the key. Actually - if you don't
trap him - I guarantee he will ruin you...sooner or later.
I know what you're thinking:
"If my demon is so much stronger, how do I have any chance at winning?"
Frankly, if you plan on attacking the demon head on - you're doomed.
I shake my head when I hear the "willpower" guru's
talking about attacking your demon head on. They sound like Calvary
officers ordering you to charge a machine-gun nest...not somebody I'd
risk my future with.
But there is another way you can beat the demon and conquer your bad habits.
Let's think about it for a moment.
Your demon is strong, tough and dumb. Your angel part is weak, fragile and smart.
It's time to play to our strengths and outsmart the beast.
In fact, we're going to trick him. will attack from an unusual angle. You can flank him, trap him and beat him every time.
You won't take on the demon directly.
Instead you'll take the oblique approach. You'll indirectly defeat your demon.
You see, it's all about
making hard things easy by thinking outside the box.
Don't get me wrong...transformation is difficult. Changing your life
is no small matter. If it were easy, then everybody would be living the
life of their dreams. But you and I know that just ain't so.
But once you understand this unusual, but
system for transformation, it will make your goals much easier to
accomplish. (And as a positive-side effect, you'll discover how to
apply this blueprint to make ANY dramatic change you desire)
How Will My Transformation Blueprint
Help You Achieve Your Goals Faster and Easier?
To answer this question, I want you to think back to the
last time you really wanted to accomplish something. Maybe you wanted
to start exercising regularly. Perhaps you wanted to diet and lose
stubborn belly-fat. Or you might have wanted to set a budget and build
your retirement nest egg.
What you were trying to achieve isn't nearly as important as
you went about trying to achieve it. Because, as you'll see, there are
certain principles which you must follow if you want to transform
anything in your life
And my blueprint is based on those timeless, fundamental
principles that people have been using to get what they want for
thousands of years. They will work for anything you want to achieve.
In a moment, I'll tell you more about these principles but first let's go back to your story.
When you set out to accomplish your goals, I bet you
started with energy and excitement. You were motivated, hungry and
bright-eyed during that first week. You told your family and friends
about your goal and your plan.
...little-by-little you started skipping days at the gym.
Or you started sneaking "just one 'small' piece of cake." Or you blew
a month of savings on a big-screen TV you didn't need.
Day-by-day you lost focus. Your thoughts wandered.
Instead of waking up each morning excited about your goal - you
sometimes went an entire day without thinking about it. Soon enough,
you only thought about your goal once a week, usually during a quiet
weekend moment.
And during those quiet moments, you promised yourself that you would get better next week.
But you didn't.
Then, a few months later, you can't even remember what you were working to change.
If that sounds like a familiar story - I want to let you in on a little secret...'s not your fault.
Nobody ever told you the principles that guarantee
transformation. It's not something you were taught in school. You
didn't understand the
Four Pillars of Transformation. You sent your angel side into battle against your demon without any tools or weapons.
It's no surprise that the demon gobbled you up.
That won't happen again.
In fact, I'm going to share two stories with you that
illustrate the difference the four pillars of transformation make.
Without them, transformation is almost impossible. With them,
transformation is nearly guaranteed.
A Tale of Two Transformations
Once upon a time, in the late 1970's, a four-year old boy
sat in the front row of his family's giant "boat-sized" sedan. His
short legs didn't even reach the ground and he could barely see over the
dashboard and through the windshield to glimpse the road ahead.
Normally this boy gazed intently at the landscape
speeding by. The trees, the farms, the small towns and the other
people. But today - he couldn't tear his eyes away from his mother.
As he watched her drive the car, the boy knew something
was wrong. Perhaps it was the way she clutched the battered steering
wheel. Or it was the angry way she set her jaw. Maybe it was her damp
Despite his youth and innocence, the boy knew something was wrong.
So he asked her, "What's wrong?"
It turns out his mother was driving them both home after a
weight watchers meeting. And she was disappointed. Another week had
passed and the scale didn't budge. She hadn't lost any weight. The
lack of results in her transformation left her feeling sad, angry and
And it broke the little boy's heart.
That car ride happened more than 33 years ago...and it changed the course of my life.
Yes, that little boy was me. I remember sitting in that
car, feeling so helpless and angry that I couldn't help my mom get what
she wanted. That powerless feeling left an impression on me as strong
and permanent as any red-hot brand we used on our farm.
I spent the next 20 years on a tireless journey to learn
how to help men and women who were sad and frustrated with their health,
fitness and weight-loss programs.
Then, in 2006, I received a personal lesson on transformation.
Back then, I'd wake up every morning at 4:30am to work on
my business before I dashed off to train my first client at 6am. After
a packed morning, I'd grab lunch on the run and do a quick personal
workout. Then I'd head back and train clients until 8pm.
Those were hectic days.
But after my last client left at 8, I headed downtown to
party with friends until the wee hours of the morning. I was young and
slightly foolish in a big city. I wasn't burning the candle at both
ends - I took a flamethrower to the candle.
Then, one morning I woke up and couldn't breathe. I
gasped for air. My hands tingled. My heart pounded. I took a walk to
get fresh air and it didn't help. I meditated and tried breathing
deeply but it didn't work. It felt like I was having a heart attack and
the feeling didn't go away. For weeks and weeks I couldn't calm down.
Then I hit the lowest point in my life. I was training
one of my clients, an overweight man in his 50's. It was early Monday
morning. In a few short moments, one of us was going to end up in
hospital. The smart money would have picked him. They would have been
Halfway through his workout my heart started beating
faster and faster. Anxiety swept over me and I felt trapped in the tiny
exercise room. I told him to stop working out because I needed him to
drive me to the hospital. I couldn't handle it anymore and I needed
Within a few hours I was home and over the next few days -
with the help of these four pillars of transformation - I fixed my
problem and transformed my life forever. Everything changed.
Out of necessity, I took everything I knew about
transformation and sketched out a rough blueprint for changing my life.
Then, I applied it and the theory became real to me. My blueprint
saved me.
How did I do it? Here's how, in the 33 years since my
fateful car-ride with my mother, I discovered what she was missing in
her transformation quest. And after I learned it and applied it to my
own problem - I realized how different things would be if she had known
these secrets all those years ago.
You see, the four pillars are the principles underneath
every successful Transformation. They are: Accountability, Social
Support, a Deadline and an Incentive. They are your secret weapon
against your demon side.
My mother faced down her demon without 3 of the 4 pillars backing her up. She only had the
from the weekly weigh in. Unfortunately, she had no social support at
home from my father. She also didn't have a goal. And finally, she
didn't give herself an incentive for success.
As a result, she didn't have a plan. With no plan, no
support and no incentive - there was nothing to help her back up when
she fell down.
My poor mother was destined to fail before she even began. She started a pointless journey.
That's why all her efforts failed and left her in
despair. That's the feeling I sensed all those years ago and that's the
reason why I've spent my life devoted to studying how people transform
their lives.
And as a result of my intense investigations into
personal transformation, I've determined that the four pillars are
absolutely required. Without them, there is no chance for success. It
doesn't matter if you're trying to lose weight, get out of debt, quit
smoking, make more money, fix your health or repair the relationships in
your life.
Over the past five years, I've run 16 Transformation
Contests for Health and Wealth. The results were stunning. Every
single champion relied on the four pillars of transformation. No one
made a dramatic change without using all four. There were no
Contestants have used the four pillars to lose 33 pounds,
to make enough of a secondary income to quit their full-time job, to
take control of their diet and to transform their lives.
Not only that, but I host small business transformation
contests where owners work to increase their profits over a fixed period
of time. And the funny thing is...
...these business owners used the exact same four pillars
to transform their business as the other used to transform their
personal lives.
At its fundamental level -
transformation follows the same general principles. No matter the goal - the process to get there is the same.
It reminds me of my favorite quote by 10-time NCAA Champion Basketball Coach John Wooden. When he retired, he said:
"When people ask me
now if I miss coaching UCLA basketball games, the national
championships, the attention, the trophies, and everything that goes
with them, I tell them this: I miss the practices."
That goes to show you that the great champions invest in
the process. They don't care about the media attention, the trophies
and the big games. All they care about are the processes and habits
that make victory inevitable.
In fact, most of our contestants come to the same conclusion:
"I joined to win the money, but after a few weeks I
realized how much my family and I gained from the contest. It's not
about the money anymore. Building new habits made me more productive
and restored my zest for life." - Jakob
That's why my blueprint is devoted to developing the
right habits so you can take total advantage of the four pillars of
I've seen enough transformation journeys (success and
failures) to know exactly what steps you need to take to get where you
want to go. After hosting 16 transformation Contests, I've distilled
all the wisdom, knowledge and best practices that guarantee successful
change into this blueprint.
It's the only field-tested guide to changing your life.
Most importantly, it's not the dross peddled by academics who conduct
unrealistic theoretical studies about willpower and motivation.
This blueprint isn't theoretical at all. It's based only
on the strategies and mindsets that have enabled people like you to
make dramatic transformations in their lives.
The Blueprint for Your Transformation
I don't want you to go down the same false paths that my
mother and countless others have gone down. So I've gathered and
distilled all the power-info and best practices from my previous
transformation contest winners for you.
...I combined that knowledge with everything I know about
personal transformations. With all this valuable information in mind, I
created a 3-part blue-print just for you.
It's the ultimate practical guide to changing your life.
There is no frills, no fluff and (most of all) no silly theoretical
knowledge that's useless in the trenches.
At the center of this blueprint is a video coaching
session with me. I should warn you - my coaching sessions are very
And if you think I'm just going to blather with answers
to your problems - then you'll be disappointed. Here's the thing - great
coaches don't just look at you and tell you the answer. That's the
easy way. And it's also the least effective way - because real
solutions only come from within you.
Does that make sense?
This "interview" is the best diagnostic for changing your
life. Why? Because nobody else understands how to treat causes...they
only can treat symptoms. You see, most of the advice you got in the
past just treated the surface problems. That's not my style. After an
hour with me, we're going to drill down
deep into the key actions you need to take in order to transform your life.
After our time together, your next step will be very obvious and clear. You'll know what to do.
You'll feel calm determination and you'll have total clarity about what you must do.
Here's what I'm getting at...
...I can't walk the path for you. This is your journey.
It's personal, intense and will be so rewarding when you've finished
it. But it is
yours. I'm not the hero taking the plunge, facing difficulty and coming out on the other side a changed man. You are.
My role is different. I'm your guide, muse and mentor.
That's exactly what you need. You don't need another hero talking about
how great he is - you're great already. And there is only room for one
hero in your story. What you do need is some guidance.
Wisdom from somebody who's been there and done it. And
wisdom from somebody who's helped thousands of people just like you
transform their lives.
That's why, during our coaching session, I'm going to ask you
of questions. And there is a good reason for the questioning. If
you're like most people, after school ended, you never had another coach
or mentor. For some strange reason, when you graduate - it's like you
suddenly became "all-knowing" and wise.
And yet some people spend their entire lives never
knowing the right questions to ask...let alone the answers. This is so
terribly important. The hardest part of solving any problem is figure
out what the problem is. If you can define the problem you can solve
So...I'm going to ask you a lot of difficult questions.
But those difficult questions will define the problem for you. Then,
I'm going to ask another series of questions that are going to show you
the solution to your problem.'re going to act on the advice,
transform your life and win my money. Sound good?
I bet it does.
Some of you are struggling, I know that. In fact, I was
the same way until I hired my first coach in 2006. Then my business, my
net-worth and my happiness shot way up. With his help and my hard work
- I transformed.
Here's what you'll discover in your coaching session with me:
- How to set your priorities that will propel you like a "bullet-train" towards your perfect transformation vision.
- Your "action-plan" for conquering all of your 2013 goals.
- The "bottleneck" secret - learn this one strategy and you'll dodge
all the stuff that tries to strangle your motivation and kill your
- How to build a simple time and energy management system that works better than a Swiss watch.
- The key to identifying ALL the resources you'll need to accomplish
your transformation. (Plus: a great way to "fill-up" your motivation
- How to have monk-like clarity about your life and where you're going.
- Quick tips for doubling your satisfaction and happiness at the end of each day.
- Your time and energy assessment - this simple diagnostic will change your productivity habits forever.
- How to build the perfect creative and productive environment to maximize your transformation goals.
- The danger of multi-tasking (and how you can slay all your digital distractions and get more done with less stress)
- How to uncover your unique ability. (This is what separates "world-class" operators from the rest)
- How you can precisely pinpoint your most effective and profitable daily activities.
- "No." - How you can say "no" to busy-work and time-wasters without offending anyone.
- How to build a legacy that you and your family can be proud of...
- And much more that that...
And you know what -
I paid a lot of money for my coaching. Nowadays, with my
transformation knowledge and skills, executives and entrepreneurs pay
$2,500 for a coaching sessions with me. $2,500 for just one session.
But you're not going to pay anywhere near that. I'll tell you more in a
At the end of your coaching session, you're going to
understand your problems, choke-points and personal strengths better
than you ever did before. But you aren't done yet.
The next thing you'll need to do is set your goals.
This sounds simple but I swear that 99 out of 100 people
mess this part up. And if you get this wrong, your odds of successfully
changing your life go down the drain. At the end of the day, setting
goals and having a vision for your life makes
everything easier.
It's your roadmap, your GPS and your motivation all wrapped up in one tidy package.
So the second part of your blueprint is a special presentation on goal-setting and creating a vision for your life.
In this exclusive transformation contest presentation, you'll discover:
- The 4-Life Goals and how this simple framework will help you get
everything you desire out of life without turning into a workaholic or
- How to rapidly build the "overwhelming desire" that almost guarantees that you'll accomplish all of your goals.
- The HACAR approach to goal-setting (this unusual method will dramatically increase the potency and power of your goal-setting)
- The "power of paper" and what it means for your goals.
- How to "get the ball rolling" and build goal-crushing momentum.
(This single strategy will get you started right and it is the best way
to break through stubborn low-points during the contest)
- Your goal-setting contract. (This single sheet of paper increases your chances of success by at least 90%)
- TWIST! Why the way most 'experts' talk about goal-setting is wrong and what you can do about it.
- A step-by-step guide to creating your "vision board" for your most audacious goals.
- What you really need to know about The Secret.
- How to create a crystal-clear life vision that will dictate your success for years to come.
- How to steal "magic-time" every single day. (This one tactic will
increase your creativity, productivity and personal power by leaps and
- The key habits of past Transformation Contest Winners
- How the "back to the future" strategy will help you create the perfect goals that drive you towards your transformation.
- The 3 Questions you must ask if you want to have any hope of transforming your life.
- How you can quickly discover the people you'll need to meet so they can help you accomplish your goals.
- How to easily define your "endgame" so you know exactly how to move forward.
- The BONUS BIG QUESTION about making 2013 your Breakthrough Year.
- How to draft your personal rules and life philosophy (Just watch
how this exercise gives you more clarity and peace of mind than you've
ever felt before).
- And far more...
So after you've been through the first two modules of the Blueprint, we come to the most actionable and powerful part yet...
Your 30-day Fast Start Bonus Manual and Video
This presentation and workbook will be jet-fuel for your transformation goals.
It's a 30-day, DONE FOR YOU guide to starting your
transformation off on the right foot. In this step-by-step guide,
you'll have a discrete, measurable and concrete action to take every
day. Complete all of these steps and you'll be well on your way to
achieving your transformation goal.
Why did I put this special bonus together for you?
For one reason only...
In my experience most people quit my transformation contests in the first month. I don't want that to happen to you.
When you have a day-by-day blueprint that takes you by
the hand and shows you exactly what needs to be done, you'll be way more
likely to make dramatic changes rapidly. In fact, this bonus video
answers the most important question in Transformation Contests:
What Should I Do Right Now?
This isn't a guide for the tomorrows that never come but a clear guide to what you must do now.
This bonus guide is brass-tacks only. No pie-in-the-sky
theory here. Just the steps you need to take immediately to put you on
the fast track to transforming your life.
After you finish using this guide, you'll have built powerful habits to get you through the final steps.
In this bonus guide you'll discover:
- How to recruit key support and accountability partners. (Day 2)
- The fastest way to fix a negative mindset. (on Day 6 you'll
discover this mental "hack" that will let you take action with joy).
- How habits drive behavior and behavior drives Transformation (you'll learn the power of a "process habit" on Day 14)
- The BEST way to start each day to ensure success in the contest. (Day 18)
- How to review your "healthy" behaviors to determine if they're
stopping your transformation. (And if they are - you'll discover the
solution on Day 25).
- And much more over the 30-days...
And much more that will rapidly propel you towards your goals.
With the Information in this Blueprint,
Your Demon Doesn't Stand a Chance
In fact, when you've discovered all the powerful
strategies, tactics and mental-models in the 3 modules - your "human"
brain will be armed to teeth and ready to do battle with your demon.
You'll conquer that beast. Once you do, you'll find transforming your life becomes far easier. And simpler too.
The three modules represent the only field-tested
approach to defeating your animal impulses and transforming your life.
It doesn't matter if you want to transform your health, your wealth or
your happiness - this blueprint will show you how.
Best of all, it's not going to cost you a fortune.
First, your coaching session... executives and
entrepreneurs normally pay $2,500 for a coaching session with me. But
there is no way you'll pay that. In fact, you're going to get this
value for
far less than the $2,500 price tag.
These savvy operators gladly pay me these fees because they know I bring
unique knowledge and skills to the table. No one knows more about
making a transformation than I do.
But you're going to get access to this coaching for far less. In fact, you'll get access with a
90%+ discount. More on that in a moment.
I could go on and on about how valuable it is to learn
how to set goals and create a vision for yourself. But I'd rather just
show you instead. If you purchase the blueprint, I'll only charge you
for the coaching session. You'll get the goal-setting and
vision-creating video and workbook for FREE.
Okay, but what about the 30-day Fast-start guide? Same
deal. With it, you'll build unstoppable momentum and speed rapidly
towards your goals. This guide will bust through inertia and will show
you how to blast through difficulties in the early days of your
transformation journey.
With it, you'll build powerful habits and self-discipline
over the first 30 days so you're set up to finish strong. It's
impossible to put a price tag on it. So, because I want you to
transform your life so badly - I'll throw it in as a bonus if you pick
up your coaching sessions.
Fine Craig, but how much will all three cost me?
Not $2,500.
Not $500.
Not $100.
Not $50.
But only
$27. That's 92% off the price
of a single coaching session with me. And you're getting far more than
that. If I counted the value of the two bonuses you get, the total
discount would be almost
99% off.
You're literally only going to pay 8% of the value for this blueprint.

Only $27, 50% off the regular price

Let's put it another way...
...we have $100,000 worth of cash prizes ready to give to you during this transformation contest.
We're giving out $1,000/week. And at the end we're
giving away $25,000 in each of the four categories. If you win even the
lowest prize (a weekly award of $500) - you will have made a 20x return
on your investment of $27.
If you won 1st place in one of the categories, you would
make a 555x return on your investment of $27. That's insane. To
compare: if you had bought Apple's stock 5 years ago in 2007 and held
that stock until today, you would have only made a little less than
5x your money.
That's why I consider this blueprint the best investment
money can buy. Not only can you make 555 times your money back in only
90-days, you'll also build habits that will generate wealth and
happiness for a
Conquer your demon with my help.

Only $27, 50% off the regular price

You finally have everything you need to make this your best year ever.
I look forward to helping you
Transform Your Life in 2013.
Craig Ballantyne
P.S. Here's a funny story for you. When I went into the
studio to film these videos for you, I knew the material was pure gold.
Why? Because the camera-man sneakily took notes on everything I said
while he was filming me!
Grab your Transformation Blueprint right now.

Only $27, 50% off the regular price